Does he know it?

8 years ago

I have a crush who is handsome and cute. We've met at the carpool when I was a first year highschool and we're friends. But sometimes, i began to react "In Love" to him and when I seated to him at his side, I began to smile and laugh but he avoided me for a couple of days. My friends asked me did I have a crush on him and I began to denied. Although, everytime I asked him some of a few questions like: "Do you hate K*****?" but he began to unrespond. So Does he know that I have a feeling to him? Do I really want to reveal what is my true feelings?

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" She made me cry, she made me mad.. she made me a nothing, but still she made me believe that she is everything to me "

- suneel» Love Quotes

Love Poem - An Unfinished Love...

Author: Nair Subaash★★★★
What should i say about love when it comes to
the pain to endure it,
Nothing changed much from the past till now
which remains the same,
Yet the concept and the way of love changes ...(Cont.)