Does he know it?

8 years ago

I have a crush who is handsome and cute. We've met at the carpool when I was a first year highschool and we're friends. But sometimes, i began to react "In Love" to him and when I seated to him at his side, I began to smile and laugh but he avoided me for a couple of days. My friends asked me did I have a crush on him and I began to denied. Although, everytime I asked him some of a few questions like: "Do you hate K*****?" but he began to unrespond. So Does he know that I have a feeling to him? Do I really want to reveal what is my true feelings?

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" To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to ... " » Full Quote

- Woody Allen» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Im Standiing Alonne

Author: Herr badd ★★★
iim standiing alonne andd my own two feet
,.but wiith out youhh theiirs no me ii feel
liike a shadow whiich ii cant be seen only
andd the darkk ally and my dreams ..II CANT ...(Cont.)