Crash and burned, stuck in the fire.

12 years ago

Hi I had a wonderful relationship and so I thought we were happy, until one day I caught my boyfriend with another woman. The woman is his friend's wife, they been having a 20 years affair, it was what ruined his marriage. When we met, he had broken up with her, then one day he brought her back into his life, he is afraid of what he was feeling for me and ran right back into her arms. In the meantime he continues to communicate with me through email, text, we do not see each other in person. I know he still cares, but we can never be together because of his desire for his friend's wife. I am in awe that his friend has no balls to stand up to that, I am sure by now he knows. I am struggling to let go and I still love him but I know that it cannot be. Since then I have tried dating and because of how I feel about him, I cannot seem to love anyone. It gets complicating, because we have finances tied up between us and so we communicate because of finance, but at times emotions are express. What to do?

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  • 12 years ago

    Oh my gosh-I'm so sorry for ur loss!!!:( but u should talk to the cheated on husband after all he must feel like u!

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!:):)

  • 12 years ago

    you poor thing. I just broke up with someone I was in love with. He cheated on me to. Our relationship wasn't very long. I still love him but I am being strong I don't think about him anymore. He makes it hard not to because he sends me flowers and other things but its been weeks and I wish I could except his apolagy but if I do and we get back together how can I trust him again what is a relationship without trust and if he loves that other women more than you and if you can't change that then just remember he's missing out on a great person be strong and good luck<3

" "Love comes from the bottom of your heart......... and i promise you it will never end it will always start" "

- linsday portis» Love Quotes

Love Poem - A SPECIAL WORLD....<3 <3 !!..

Author: Priyanka thete★★★
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold ...(Cont.)