
10 years ago

me and my boyfriend broke up recently .. we didn't talk it out before it happened i ended it . i believe we had lack of communication but reasons why i left was because he paid more attention to other females other than but claimed he loved me , i want to know if i should try and talk it out with him or leave it be ..because what happened is still heavy on my heart . i texted him three times before we broke up telling him i love him but he ignored me and potrayed more attention towards the other females really hurt me to be treated in that way i felt almost as if i was a bother instead of happiness

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" Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Love At First Sight

Author: Lorena★★★
With the stars shining in your eyes,
With the moonlight's that veils you body in
ethernal form.
Who are you? And why are youi here? My heart
beats faster with each step you take, My ...(Cont.)