Boy drama

10 years ago

Why does boys have to be so mean to a girl that likes them and that want to have kids them and that wants to spend the rest of their with the boys

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  • Amy
    10 years ago

    lol but not all guys are like that well most of them are like that cuz of there ego, they think there so tuff while they really arent most of them are just talk and no action, but then again im sure in ur life u will find the perfect one hope this helps:)

  • 10 years ago

    Don't worry. It's probably because he likes you back and he wants to hide the fact and act tough so his friends don't notice. Not all guys are like that. A real guy would stop being a coward and make a move. I think that you should start looking into other people because you deserve better. If you are really hooked on him, and don't want to pull away, you should confront him.

" Once loved, always loved. If you don't love anymore, You never loved. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - One Wish :(

Author: Juneemae fay de jesus★★★★
If I could have just one wish,
It woud be to turn back time.
To go back to the lonely past,
To the days when you were mine.
If I could have just one wish, ...(Cont.)