another girl???

12 years ago

he has a friend of his.she is a girl who proposed her on propose day and even kised her on cheeks.he said her never ever to repeat that.they go out in movies n restros.sometimes even she comes to her flat just for a chit-chat.he always says that she is only her friend but sometimes he teases me with her name.i dun't doubt him but u know girls physocology.and sometimes i also feel i am not upto his standard.thats what always strikes in my mind and i become more tensed.

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" You were someone till yesterday, but you are the only one for me from today "

- santosh joghiparthi» Love Quotes

Love Poem - That Night <3

Author: Emmanuel Lopez★★★★
It happens out the blue, inspired to write.
inspired to fight for that girl of my dreams,
its silly but true no-one has ever made me
feel like you, Now i sit every-night and
think about why, how did this happen to me? ...(Cont.)