angy with me and says she hates me

13 years ago

i really lv some one but he ask me that he love some one else i really lv him......pls advice something...........

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  • 12 years ago

    Continue to love him and show him love; but don't over do it, don't be pushy and respect his relationship and his feelings. If you really love someone, their happiness means a lot to you. So continue to be a friend (assuming that you all are friends) and if its meant to be it will be. I know that sounds cliche' but it turns out to be true if the love is true.

" I've fallen in love many times... always with you. "

- Author Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Wat Would We Do?? Fight?

Author: Yazmin★★★
He is the very guy that came from my most
percious dreams. he cares for me. he loves me
for me. But all of that talking was all but
fantsy and reality came in nd everything came
crashing down on us. we realized so much ...(Cont.)