a new guy in my life

11 years ago

what i fi just met this guy and hes super cute super nice and all the things i look for in a guy, how do i get him to like me

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  • 11 years ago

    i think u should juss stay "close" 2 him u know try 2 b around him often.then soon or later he gon notice u.BUT REMBER U DONT WANT TO GIVE HIM THE WRONG IMPRESSION!!!!!!!

  • 11 years ago

    i think u should juss stay "close" 2 him u know try 2 b around him often.then soon or later he gon notice u.BUT REMBER U DONT WANT TO GIVE HIM THE WRONG IMPRESSION!!!!!!!

    I Was just doing the same, and this guy notices me everytime when i look at him.. For these past days, we r just doin same, i look at him, and he looks me back.. i dont get the meaning of his looking me back in this strange way .please do tell me y does he might b doing that and please do suggest what should i do next. i love him madly..

" "Loving you is the happiest thing happen to me; Because you take my sadness." "

- Ariel O. Besoro» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Lost In Tears

Author: Casey Avery★★★★
You build me up then let me down.
You make the smile and creat the frown
You alawys come but never stay.
In the end your the one to walk away.
I stand alone confused in the dark. ...(Cont.)