Love Poem by Ujjaval

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"The One" For me

User : Ujjaval
Submitted on : Mar 6, 2010
The day i saw you is the day
My mind was made up that
You are "The One"
For me

Our Meeting that wednesday
Further proved that
My heart cant be wrong about
You being "The One"
For me

The night of our meeting when
I called you
Further proved that
My heart cant be wrong about
Being "The One"
For me

When you asked me if our
Rishta was fixed and
It was not a joke
When i heard that again i felt
My heart cant be wrong about
You being "The One"
For me

The day of our wedding
When i finally held your hand
Further proved that
My heart cant be wrong about
You being "The One"
For me

The night you spent with me
I was next to you and looking
At you
Further proved that
My heart cant be wrong about
You being "The One"
For me

All my heart says is
And what i believe
That you are
"The One"
For me.


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