
8 years ago

I have a guy best friend. He for care for me but the way hr cares for me seems more than a friend's care. I just don't understand it... I need an advice... But sometimes he don't even reply me if I ask him anything... I just don't know why and what is happening between us... Why is he behaving that way? Why he seems rude sometimes?by the way his name is Jaydav s/o Vasudevan

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" I hope you're in love with my heart of gold on the inside instead of my poor appearance on the outside "

- unique» Love Quotes

Love Poem - One Wish :(

Author: Juneemae fay de jesus★★★★
If I could have just one wish,
It woud be to turn back time.
To go back to the lonely past,
To the days when you were mine.
If I could have just one wish, ...(Cont.)