Love Poems - i have a girlfriend

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i have a girlfriend

Poem by : jamal hill
Submitted on : Sep 7, 2013
people keep on saying that i like other girls when i really don't i
only like one girl that is my true girlfriend but if someone tells her that i like another girl then i will just tell her it is a lie but if she doesn't believe me then i will just get so mad that i wont know what to do cause just because i told people that i like other girls it doesn't mean its true so if this really happens in real life then i would just tell the truth and if she doesn't believe me then i would just be like give me some evidence and if she cant she will know that is not the 100% truth so end the end i will win the battle so if someone ever does this again then i will just give up cause i cannot live a life with lies because if i do then i don"t know what i would do because i never did that

~jamal hill

i have a girlfriend was submitted by jamal hill On Sep 7, 2013

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