Zodiac Compatibility

Nature of Relationship: This star sign combination shares a good relationship.

The combination of the Capricorn female and the Pisces male is a very magnificent blend and their relationship is usually full of mutual adoration. The Pisces male is more able to delve deep into the heart of the Capricorn female, exuding the warmth underneath the cool surface.

Capricorn (F) - Pisces (M) Characteristic traits

The Pisces man is cool, composed, affectionate and caring. He loves being in a comfortable and secured environment. He is often pulled in two different directions and as such lacks focused determination at most times. The Capricorn woman is a very decent and strong-willed lady. She is very formal and generally avoids improper conduct. She likes ambitious people and self-esteem is absolutely crucial to her.

Capricorn (F) - Pisces (M) Sex & Marriage

The Pisces man and the Capricorn woman approach their sexual togetherness in a very realistic manner. As the water and the earth make a very flowery and poetic combination, their sexual chemistry is also very gratifying and pleasurable.

Capricorn (F) - Pisces (M) Family & Children

As a Pisces father, you're extremely nurturing, affectionate, and involved in your children's needs. You experience bliss at every discovery they make in this bright world they inhabit. The Capricorn mom is highly possessive about her kids and takes parenthood to be the most serious milestone in her life.

Capricorn (F) - Pisces (M) Friendship

The Capricorn and the Pisces are two people who don’t have much in common between them. The Capricorn woman is logical and practical, and likes to put in hard work to achieve her dreams. Pisces men are imaginative and dreamy, and always consider the opinion of people around them. Nevertheless, the star signs form a long term and sincere relationship.

Capricorn (F) - Pisces (M) at Work

At work the Capricorn woman tend s to begin things while Pisces man keep moving from one project to another. The Pisces would get sincerely involved in Capricorn’s endeavors as long as the Capricorn allows Pisces his freedom of work. It’s a fruitful association mostly.

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