Zodiac Compatibility

Nature of Relationship: This star sign combination shares an extremely good relationship.

The Cancer man and the Scorpio woman create bonds for a lifetime that is garlanded with passion and commitment. He is a sharp-minded man with a unique sense of humor and she is a woman of charms and easily seduces her man with confidence and beauty. They make a heavenly pair together.

Cancer (M) - Scorpio (F) Characteristic traits

The Cancer man is a faithful and romantic lover who provides his lady love with protection and security. He loves to pamper her in unique ways that makes her his ardent fan. He is bowled over by the Scorpio woman’s beauty and graceful persona and stands by him throughout her life. She takes pride and interest in his career and helps him flourish.

Cancer (M) - Scorpio (F) Sex & Marriage

Their sexual union is an amalgamation of emotional love and wild passion. They share great chemistry in bed that provides them with a heavenly experience of love making every time.

Cancer (M) - Scorpio (F) Family and Children

The Cancer dad is a composed and happy natured man. His family is his private space and he can go up to any extent for their security and welfare. The Scorpio mom is flexible and passionate in her thoughts and domestic bliss is of utmost importance to her. She is truly the ‘captain of the ship’.

Cancer (M) - Scorpio (F) Friendship

They form a great union owing to a natural attraction towards each other. The Scorpio is intense and the Cancer is stable and committed. Together they make great friendship that lasts forever.

Cancer (M) - Scorpio (F) at Work

As a team, they rock. Both of them prefer achieving and keeping possessions. They are powerful in their own ways and often end up achieving beyond their expectations. They make an excellent team together that knows how to win over hard situations.

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