Love Poems - Mr.and Mrs.funny love

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Mr.and Mrs.funny love

Poem by : ally
Submitted on : Feb 13, 2010
mr.funny love and mrs.funny love went up the hill they found a bucket of water which had a medicine pill Mrs.fuuny love 8 that pill and she had diaraya she could not find toilet so she did it in the bucket of water Mr.funny love did not see anything so he drank the bucket of water and said this tastes like peanut butter and mr. funny love died because he alergic to peanut butter mrs.funny love was cring over mr.funny loves body and found out that he was faking and then she really did kill him and then she left wiping her tears and saying ihata him i hate him i hate him


Mr.and Mrs.funny love was submitted by ally On Feb 13, 2010

love starts from me to u random love Back To Poem Index Submit Love Poem