Love Poems - EMO LOVE

Given below is a love poem titled EMO LOVE. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Poem by : arra trisha
Submitted on : May 18, 2010
sOmetiMes i make fOoL oF mYseLf

wOndering iF yOu alsO feel the saMe

dreaMing oF yOu iS biG F*cK sH*t

cOz thinking oF yOu almOst breaking my head

wiLL yOu ever bE mY iLLusiOn?

oR shOuLd i fOrget yOu fOr aNy reasOn..

LiFe is gOing oN bUt hOw can i mOve on?

iF i aM the mUsic and yOu are the tOne..

mY gUitar has its striNgs

but mY heart has its wings..

and fOr yOu to LovE me tOo

will jUst be a f*cking dreaM..!

~arra trisha

EMO LOVE was submitted by arra trisha On May 18, 2010

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