Love Poems - babycakes

Given below is a love poem titled babycakes. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Poem by : James Briere
Submitted on : Jul 15, 2011
I know I am stubborn, and sometimes that can be of a stress. However because we value and treasure each other so much, we easily overcome. I really admire and love the fact that we are able to do such. Sometimes it's me (ok mostly) sometimes it's you, but we are entitled to have our moods, if not, it would turn into a train wreak. I love the fact that we appreciate, respect, admire, and love each other, and each others feelings. I know at times I am difficult. I just try so hard not to fail. I have what I been searching for my entire life, that is YOU, and I will not ruin this. We are so much in love, that we both respect each other. I want you to know, that my heart is yours, and it will be for life. I am very much looking forward to our future TOGETHER side by side, hand in hand, heart by heart, moment by monent, day by day. You are my sunshine, and my love. Please know that, and always know that my heart belongs to you, and when you are upset, need to vent, or if you are bothered by something I am here for you NO MATTER WHAT. I so cannot wait for the day that I can have the utmost HONOR of calling you my WIFE. I LOVE YOU.

~James Briere

babycakes was submitted by James Briere On Jul 15, 2011

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