Love Poems - A Face Like Hers

Given below is a love poem titled A Face Like Hers. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

A Face Like Hers

Poem by : Xavier Johnson
Submitted on : Jan 16, 2012
A face like hers.
It's clearly unmatched.
A worth-while woman to whom it's attached.
I look into her eyes.
I find the colors of life.
All I needed to see to know I've found my wife.
Her hair is given it's own life as the breeze passes through.
To imagine a more beautiful lady, I cannot
The smile that her lips form make me feel like flying.
I must not doubt myself.
For her, I'll keep trying. Her adorable nose rests properly in the middle.
There aren't many like her, not even a little.

~Xavier Johnson

A Face Like Hers was submitted by Xavier Johnson On Jan 16, 2012

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