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Give below is a Romantic love letter titled he'll never know.

he'll never know

to the one who'll never know,

you'll never know how much i miss you, how much i want to see you, to hear your voice, see your smile.

you'll never know how jealous i was when you dated my best friend, how pained i was when you would both hang together and forget our little band of three friends, how relieved yet sorry for you i was when you both broke up.

how heartbroken i was to move away and not hear from you in years. how excited when we met that day but disappointing that your new friends hung around us.
how devastated when i found out over the internet that youd decided to date one of those new friends.

but my dear despite all this im most sad because you will never know how much i love you, watch over you and stand by your side all this time, until the day comes, you'll never know

Submitted By : Rai
Date : Jan 13, 2012
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