Not sure if they like me back?

11 years ago

what happens if you like\love someone but your not sure if they like you back? They are in my class and they're locker is next to my best friends and they talk to me and everything but im not sure if they like me so i need some advice.. If they like me i'de be overjoyed but if not i'd be crushed.... We get along great and we talk alot and he sits in front of me in math class and he sits next to me inhomeroom sometimes and we laugh alot he is really funny and he dosent have a girlfriend and i dont have a boyfriend

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" Love me now, love me never, but if you love me, love me forever. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - A Short Regret

Author: AlNineteen★★★
Never dredge up the didn't-do's and
So many regrets
You were a freshman, blonde-smart-pretty, but
way too tall for boys ...(Cont.)