Love Prob

13 years ago

I love someone very much but she is getting married and i dont even know weather she loves me or not ???
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  • 13 years ago

    I always believed if you love someone you should let them do what they need to do in life. You love her but she is engaged to someone else. Do you believe she truely loves this other person? If you hold this love for her in your heart and she gets married and don't tell her you will be torn forever. If you believe she is truly happy I would let her go and learn for herself. But if she is getting married for perhaps the wroung reason anything other than pure love simply than look within and find the strength and tell her. When it comes to true love it can be very complicated I fully understand this. My love that I loved emmensely never told me he loved me for 7 years of us being friends. That whole time I waited for the words but I believed that the guy should say it first so I never told him how I felt fully. I ended up in another relationship because I was afraid to be alone and now we have a baby together. My love ended his life due to mental illness but I believe if I had

  • 13 years ago

    After my daughter was born and was three years old I recieved an urgent message. My love was diagnosed and he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him. But with the child born it was sooc complicated with tying our lives together it seemed very difficult and I was afraid to be judged by the community. In heins sight I see now it would not have been so complicated and how beautifully it could have come together.
    If you are meant to be together you have to put in the work. Make the sacrefice. Be brave. Tell her before kids get involved. Because a women will always put her kids first. And if she loves someone else than at least you have passed on the feelings in your heart to her.

  • 12 years ago

    If you love her more than the world it's self you would want her to be happy. If she is happy than you have to let her go,let her take the path she's chosen. If you interfere and tell her even though she loves this man and really wants to marry him you will make her feel a terrible guilt and nothing will be the same between you again. If she doesn't love him tell her and maybe everything will turn out ok, but she may not feel the same way about you that you feel about her. Sorry xxx

  • 12 years ago

    After my daughter was born and was three years old I recieved an urgent message. My love was diagnosed and he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him. But with the child born it was sooc complicated with tying our lives together it seemed very difficult and I was afraid to be judged by the community. In heins sight I see now it would not have been so complicated and how beautifully it could have come together.
    If you are meant to be together you have to put in the work. Make the sacrefice. Be brave. Tell her before kids get involved. Because a women will always put her kids first. And if she loves someone else than at least you have passed on the feelings in your heart to her.

" I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own. "

- Woody Allen» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Tears

Author: Jdakjiefj★★★
If you were gone my tears had fallen
When you came back my tears had fallen
These tears make me feel joy
That somebody could love this much
The tears of filled of love that would make a ...(Cont.)