I don't want to sound ungrateful but.....

9 years ago

Hi, my name is Mae and I'm 14. My dad has a yearly contract through work to have an iPhone and in February the year will be up so my dad said that he would buy the iPhone (I think it's a 5) off work and it will be my Christmas present. The problem is, I don't want an iPhone, I love my current phone - a Samsung Galaxy GT-I9000 (aka a Samsung Galaxy S1) - even though it is stark raving mad. My phone reflects who I am and I don't want to lose it. How can I tell my parents that I would prefer another Galaxy S1 over an iPhone 5 without sounding ungrateful and without hurting their feelings? ~ Thanks, Mae

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" "love is not blind,its sees, but it doesnt mind" "

- jiana» Love Quotes

Love Poem - For Once

Author: Mandi★★★★
for once you hold me
for once you say you love me
for once you want me to be yours
your feelings for me changed in the blink of
an eye. this feels like heaven ...(Cont.)