Gas attack!!!

8 years ago

I like this boy, and I can never seem to get him out of my head. often times I try to talk to him but every time I see him I get super nervous and begin to have massive gas. one time he was standing by his locker talking to some friends, I then decided that now would be the moment I finally approach him. I gathered all my courage walked right up to him, and right when he looked at me as I was standing before him, a toot escaped my bottom and left a bit of a foul stench. it was pretty clear I was the one to blame for this gastastrafy! so can someone please help and give me some advice? I would deeply appreciate it.

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" You are little more than what i call amazing "

- Unknown» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Tears

Author: Jdakjiefj★★★
If you were gone my tears had fallen
When you came back my tears had fallen
These tears make me feel joy
That somebody could love this much
The tears of filled of love that would make a ...(Cont.)