Does he like me?

8 years ago

Ok so there is this guy I have liked for like 2 years and he's sweet and he lets me lay my head on his shoulder on the bus when he knows I'm tired after a long day and when I'm upset he asks until he finds out what's wrong then fixes it by making me laugh and telling me I'm very pretty blush anyway I am SUPER clueless and I need help plz!! I have no idea if he likes me and if he does how do I get him to tell me

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" So dear I love him that with him,All deaths I could endure.Without him, live no life. "

- William Shakespeare» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Pain

Author: Anna★★★
I loved and lost a lot but now that time for
sorrow is over and done cause at the end of
the day you will will think of me again