Love Poem by Anna Caballero(Dimplez)

Given below is a love poem titled No Matter What. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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No Matter What

Submitted on : Sep 13, 2008
love is like a white dove
and you just cant help looking
day by day
time by time
i be loving you no matter what
so what is going on
everytime you tell me
that you love me
i dont know if i should
believe it
i dont care how much you hurt me
no matter what
i would still love you
i always believed that our
love is true love
well to dont believe in true love
but keep thinking in your head i still
love you no matter what
i can tell you what ever you like
but it dont satisfy you that much
but no matter what im still coming back to you

~Anna Caballero(Dimplez)

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