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Give below is a Romantic love letter titled Affirmation of my love for you.

Affirmation of my love for you

Sweet One,

Well, work is giving me my usual headache. I miss you, your laugh and making me feel like a million bucks. I wish I could fly home and take care of you. I hate seeing you so miserable, my love. Don't take my questioning attitude as doubts. I am in a constant state of pleased wonderment at the depth and capacity of your love for me. I've never felt so loved by another person and it's like discovering an incredible sensation you never knew existed. I know you're not satisfied with my attempts to match that love, but I give it every available effort I have. I think about you all day. I rush home in anticipation of spending time with you. You fill me with unquenchable sexual desire and I look at no other woman the way I look at you. I want you to be mine and I freely offer you myself in return. You are still the light at the end of my tunnel and every time we talk it becomes harder for me to resist you. Harder for me to not tell you to drop everything and come out here to be with me now. Because that is what I want, Balbina Vilorio. I want you by my side, to be my companion, my lover, and my counterpoint. I love and miss you with an ever increasing ferocity, and if I lost you, I would surely go to my death bed someday with that occurrence as one of my greatest regrets. I didn't know how incomplete I was till we met, now only you complete me. I hope these paltry words have sufficed to express the depth of my feelings for you. If not, I am so deeply sorry and will suffer freely for the transgression. My Bella, I love you, I love you, I love you. And, I totally, completely, utterly, unconditionally, unequivocally, fucking OVE you. :-)


Submitted By : Jesse Constable
Date : Dec 11, 2011
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