
12 years ago

every time im in a realtionship i feel like my partner does not love me and end up not commiting myself into that relationship and eventualy loose trust. so how can i build trust in my relationship?

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  • 12 years ago

    for me be honest with each other

    and start a always a conversation about your relationship
    and your future plans for each other
    and what are your goals in life..

    honestly and trust is very imporatant

" When she was my classmate, I was a friend to her. When she was my friend, I was a bit more to her. When she was a bit ... " » Full Quote

- Sabarinath Reddy» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Life Partner

Author: Naina Rai★★★★
Life is a journey
And the person who helps you
to end it is your life partner,
The person who helps you to enjoy it
is your life partner, ...(Cont.)