
12 years ago

how to impress a boys and how i save our relation with love?is he love me?when i express my feeling for him why he avoide me?

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  • 12 years ago

    Ishq ma "na" ka matlab "ha" hota hai if u realy loves him 4m ur heart thn belive me u vil get him diz bout 2 worry chil dude

  • 12 years ago

    I love a guy bt i cn exprs mi feling wat 2 do now

  • 12 years ago

    :)Directly talk with him.....if your love is true he will get u

" When she was my classmate, I was a friend to her. When she was my friend, I was a bit more to her. When she was a bit ... " » Full Quote

- Sabarinath Reddy» Love Quotes


Author: Michael M Macharia★★★
In the lush farmlands
mist-covered tropical morns;
In the villages where smoke
rises from grass-thatched huts;
In the plains where horned cattle ...(Cont.)