know about my love life

10 years ago

m pankaj my d.o.b is, 09/08/1986. my gf d.o.b is 21/05/1983, i want to that, i wanna get marry with her,

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  • 10 years ago

    Age is not a big matter nowadays. Even great cricketer, sachin tendulkar married a girl who is 5 years elder than him. But your girl friend should accept u even after knowing this age difference. All the best boss:)

  • 8 years ago

    Want to join the discussion? Type your message dob is 21/2/1993 and my bf's dob is 23/6/1991 he loves me but not say that will he say to me will be both can couple

" love is when you shed a tear and you still love him, it's when he loves another girl but you still smile and say i am happy ... " » Full Quote

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Pictures

Author: Veni★★★
Sometimes I look at pictures
I look into his eyes, at his face
I look at the smile he used to give to me
I pray to see it live again someday
Sometimes I listen to those lyrics ...(Cont.)