does my vrush eally like me?

12 years ago

hey yall well i have a crush on someone in my class his name is cody! i've known him for a while and i just started to like him. were friends and i don't show i like him. we talk and in computer class we work together on this project were still doing it and we work together cuz we sit next to each other. he always tries to make me laugh and it works!

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" The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - Wat Would We Do?? Fight?

Author: Yazmin★★★
He is the very guy that came from my most
percious dreams. he cares for me. he loves me
for me. But all of that talking was all but
fantsy and reality came in nd everything came
crashing down on us. we realized so much ...(Cont.)