Rose – The classical expression of love

It's good to let the world know that you are in love. But before the world comes to know about your special feelings, it is imperative that the choicest expression of loving and caring saunters its way to the person who means the world to you. With the day of love drawing near, if you are in a quandary as to how to put across your deep set emotion, Valentine's Day rose is the easiest thing to say it with. Since the days of yore, flowers and more particularly rose could lay it out strikingly as and when the words failed to emote. As glorious testimony to the emotions of love and romance- all along the nostalgically vibrant journey, rose has had its role to play.

Origin and significance of rose

If legend is anything to go by, the sensuously fragrant blossom with delightfully exuberant petal owes its origin to Chloris- the mythical flower Goddess. Similarly, the nomenclature rose springs from the Latin etymology 'rosa'- meaning red. Greek mythology has had its substantial bit to offer in respect of the irrevocable nexus between rose andromance. To go by interesting strands of classical folklore, the sensuously delightful rose with different colors to flaunt happened to be the choicest possession of Venus - the timeless epitome of love, romance and beauty. Moreover, the rose with its quintessence of redness is the ultimate symbol of love. Thus, despite the amazing array of floral options, through the precious years of romantic history, rose has come to be the classical expression of love.

The most sought after flower to celebrate the glories of love

With rose playing its precious bit in the effervescence of love and romance, there is little to doubt the intrinsic nexus. But then, romance has different colors andshades to offer. Interestingly, different colors of rose have their deals charted out in respect of corresponding shades of feeling. With lovers playing silently with different color scheme and arrangement, there are tell tale feelers to unravel and understand. While a singular stem of rose may vouch for the universality of romantic love, bouquet of fifty upholds the boundless glory of eternal love.

Arrangements of Valentine's Day rose and their respective meaning

Having flung yourself into the boundless bounties of loving andliving, it is important to be acquainted with the symbolical significance of different arrangements.

For a fervently complete feel as you embark on the Valentine's glory, bouquet of twelve roses is supposed to be the most poignant expression of loving. So, if you are tradition bound, much like the knights of the chivalrous yore, go down your knees with a bouquet counting dozen. With the numerical count's relevance to perfect fruition, bouquet consisting a dozen is the classical expression of love.

If you choose to propose marriage on the forthcoming Valentine's Day, you need to come up with a whooping bouquet of hundred and five roses.

To vouch for your undying faithfulness say it with 10001 roses.

While an apologetic lover needs fifteen roses to convey his doleful story, roses thirty eight in number confirm the cherished bond of togetherness.

Celebrate the success of your love affair with roses 66 in numbers.

Significance of arrangements of roses

While roses three in numbers are supposed to signify a month old wedded bliss, thirteen roses epitomize the timelessness of friendship. So, while the former can serve to commemorate a month old wedding anniversary, later can go down as an everlasting ties of friendship.

In order to celebrate the joys of an impending engagement, reach out to your damsel with a couple of roses.

While a blushing admirer needs thirteen numbers of roses to seek acquaintance, singularity in commitment may be vouched for by roses 101 in numbers.

Significance of color schemes of roses

Rose with its multicolored extravagance has meaningful stories to tell, divergent passions to communicate in your exploration of love. Thus for a befitting celebration of this glowing emotion with the right feelers of bonding, it is important for the giver as well as the recipient to understand its colorful significance.

  1. For a gorgeously perfect queen andking of romance, red rose pitches in with its precious bit. There is little to replace the significance of red rose as the classical expression of romantic love.
  2. There is every reason to be on a flirting spree with your coy mistress. For an avid blend of freedom, friendship and flirtation, yellow roses are good enough. But then, if you are seriously romantic about your prospects of love this year round, be wary of saying it with yellow roses.
  3. In order to weave gratitude andgraciousness into your scheme of romance, go all out with the pinky variation of rose.
  4. While rose light pink in color has tales of happiness and that of fun to vouch for, its brighter version has thanks to offer. Blend of light pink and that of red can uphold striking tales of romance and fun.
  5. For those struck by cupid's arrow at the first glance, reach out to your dashing beau/seductive enchantress with lilac roses.
  6. To celebrate the awesome innocence of the heavenly emotion, roses white in color are vibrantly poignant.
  7. If distance pitches in with its interfering bit to part you from your lovely Valentine, have white rose to vouch for your lonely longings.
  8. While roses peach in color testify to appreciation, those of coral and orange blush speak volumes of your passionate desires.
  9. If you are at your wits end to come up with the much cherished three worded sentence, there isn't much to worry about. Choose the forthcoming Valentine's Day to have a singular stem of red rose do the talking part. It will play its part in conveying your thoughts in glowing terms.

Valentine's Day rose may fail to evocate true feelings

For using Valentine's rose as the mode nonverbal communication both the giver as well as the receiver needs to be adequately acquainted with numerical andcolor significance of different varieties. So, the absence of in-depth knowledge may give rise to misgivings and miscommunications. Then, you need to distinguish between a dead rose and that which is refreshingly vibrant because gifting a dead rose/black rose signifies the closure of a relationship.


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