Love Poems - 1,000

Given below is a love poem titled 1,000. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Poem by : Xavier Johnson
Submitted on : Aug 24, 2011
1,000 miles. 1,000 steps. 1,000 tears that I have wept.
1,000 nights dreaming of you. 1,000 dreams that haven't come true.
1,000 prayers. 1,000 wishes. Upon my lips I long for 1,000 kisses.
1,000 diamonds. 1,000 pearls. 1 you is more than 1,000 girls.
1,000 heartbeats. 1,000 heartbreaks. 1,000 chances for you I'll take.
1,000 notes. 1,000 lyrics. I'll play 1,000 melodies to commemorate your spirit.
0 maybes. 0 mights. I want 1,000 years of loving you right.

~Xavier Johnson

1,000 was submitted by Xavier Johnson On Aug 24, 2011

For my lost love LOVE D DEEP VALLY... Back To Poem Index Submit Love Poem