That friend that gets in your way.........

7 years ago

What should I do? My crush kinda likes me but his friend is changing his mind. I also knew that his friend and me didn't have a good connection. I also don't want anyone to find out but some people did and now they are going to my crush and telling him and patronizing him that I like him. I'm feeling like these other people are ruining my chance with him and when they ask him if he likes me he doesn't answer but then tells other people he doesn't want to hurt my feelings. What do I do?

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  • 6 years ago

    You should show him a speech from nick vj..... it will help him see clearly in the foggy mess

" Everyone says you only fall in love once, but thats not true, everytime i hear your voice I fall in Love all over again. "

- Anonymous» Love Quotes

Love Poem - I Wanna,, Iloveyou,,

Author: Chelsea★★★
I wanna hold you in my arms and say,,
I wanna look into your eyes and say,,
iloveyou <3
iloveyou <3
I wanna look into your eyes and say,, ...(Cont.)