Love Poem by CORNEL PUNK

Given below is a love poem titled WHEN I INVITE YOU TO EMBRACE MY HEART. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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Submitted on : Mar 27, 2016
When I invite you to embrace my heart
To feel the warmness of my inmost part
Reply not no to me, o fairest pearl!
But melt my mind with mild words of your voice
Tell me how rose of mine has been your choice
How by good Venus,you would be my girl

I know my rose is covered with some thorns
Which may cause you some bleeding and some mourns
But know allright,these wounds are bite of love
That when I leave this site or leave by fate
These same scars will remind you of our date
How I and you shared blessing from above Come,settle in my heart --- a room for you
Come closer and let me dwell in yours too
That we may bond in perfect tunity
As I invite you Melly to my soul
Roll wholly to a role of filling hole
Your absent may cause to eternity


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