Love Poem by Candice Archangel

Given below is a love poem titled I'll never FORGET YOU. If you liked this poem, please rate it. You can also submit your comment about this poem.

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I'll never FORGET YOU

Submitted on : Jan 12, 2009
You were the love of my life.
When I needed you, you were there.
I cried when you left.
I still love you and I will always love u.
I hope your up in heaven waiting for me.
Theres not a day that goes by that I dont
Think of the times we had.
I wish before you died I could of said I LOVE YOU.
Now that your not here I feel a emptyness
Inside of me.
We were suppose to get married but you
Left me cold and lonely.
I feel you around me at night holding me
Warm and tight.
I want you to know 1 last thing...

~Candice Archangel

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